If You Need To Bail Money, Only Trust A Bail Bonds Company
Let’s be honest. Most of us don’t have an extra couple of $100,000 just lying around, waiting to be used for bail. That’s why if we find ourselves in custody, we tend to panic as soon as bail is set. Some people may even make poor decisions and sell all their belongings to make bail. Worse still, some people borrow money they can’t pay back! Thankfully, there’s an alternative that makes the bail process much more manageable: bail bonds.
Bail bonds are surety bonds that must be bought from a bail bonds company like ABC Bail Bonds before paying the total bail amount for you. This type of surety bond usually costs around 10% of the unconditional bail. That means that even if someone can’t pay the full bail amount, they can still purchase a bail bond and gain their freedom that way!
Why Bail Bonds?
The answer to this question is relatively simple. If you or someone you love finds themselves in custody, they will most likely need money to pay their bail. The easiest way to get this money is to buy a bail bond from a company. Once your bail bond application is approved, a bond company will pay the bail amount to release the person in custody.
A bail bonds company will likely assess your personal property to be approved for a bail bond. Your parcel will back the rest of the bail bond cost. If for any reason, the person in question fails to show up for their court date, the bail bonds company will seize this property to cover their loss of the bail money.
If everything goes well, the only price for the bail bond will be the initial premium used to purchase it, plus any company-specific costs.
Alternatives To Bail Bonds
While you could forgo bail bonds, most people are happy to use a bail bonds service. That is because the alternatives to bail bonds are much more complicated than any other method of acquiring bail money. These include personal loans, second mortgages, pawn services, or estate sales. These methods are not only more complicated than bail bonds. They could land you in even further hot water. However, for a small premium, you can be accessible without worrying about loans.
Why Pay Bail At All
You may wonder why not save yourself the trouble and serve your time in custody until your hearing. While this is an option, people who do not pay bail cannot adequately prepare themselves for trial. As a result, these people are often convicted. However, if you can make bail, obtain a lawyer and be ready for your defense, your chances increase drastically. A judge is far more trusting of someone well-prepared for trial.
Bail Bonds Are The Easiest Way To Freedom
Bail bonds are simply the easiest way to pay for bail. All you need to do is pay for the bond and show up to court. Your bail bonds company will take care of the rest. Even paying for bail outright is more problematic than a bail bond. Moving large sums of money is complex, and retrieving it after a trial can be even more so. Only bail bond companies can legally serve bail bonds. That means that when you go to a bail bonds company that is a PBUS member, the services you are getting are legitimate. Don’t get a loan if you need money to get you out of custody. Instead, call a trusted bail bonds company like ABC Bail Bonds, and you’ll be out before you know it.
Learn more about our bail bond services in the following cities:
- • Kingston bail bonds
- • Harrisburg bail bonds
- • Lancaster bail bonds
- • Media bail bonds
- • Morrisville bail bonds
- • Norristown bail bonds
- • Philadelphia bail bonds
- • West Chester bail bonds
- • Pittsburgh bail bonds
- • Bethlehem bail bonds
- • And more!
Leave us a review or learn more about our bail bond services at the following locations:
- • Bloomsburg bail bonds
- • Camden bail bonds
- • Wilkes-Barre bail bonds
- • Media bail bonds
- • Morrisville bail bonds
- • Newark bail bonds
- • Norristown bail bonds
- • Philadelphia bail bonds
- • Reading bail bonds
- • Scranton bail bonds
- • Trenton bail bonds
- • West Chester bail bonds
- • Wilkes Barre bail bonds
- • York bail bonds