Federal bail bonds are similar to state-level bail bonds but differ in several key areas. This post will explore Federal bail bonds and what makes them different from their state-level counterparts. Let us get into it!
What is a Federal Bail Bond?
Federal bail bonds are exactly what they sound like: bail bonds for federal crimes. The most common type of federal bail is an Appearance Bond. In appearance bonds, a family member or loved one fills out and signs the CR-04 form, which helps ensure that the defendant will be responsible for the entire bail payment. Another name for the CR-04 form is “Affidavit of Surety.” However, that begs the question:
How Does Federal Bail Work?
First, the judge (or magistrate) sets the bail amount for the case. Then, the same judge or magistrate will determine who qualifies as surety of the bond. The person in question needs gainful employment with a stable income for surety eligibility. In addition to designating surety, federal bail procedures may require defendants to comply with drug testing, travel restrictions, pretrial monitoring, and more. Finally, if a defendant violates their bond conditions, the court will request immediate payment in full.
How Property Collateral Relates to Federal Bail
In addition to designating a surety and additional requirements for eligibility, federal bail requires personal property as collateral. The judge or magistrate assigned to the case determines what property types are eligible for consideration as collateral. As a general rule, the property collateral must have equity equal to or exceeding the amount set for bail. You determine equity by subtracting any outstanding liens or money owed against the property from the current market value. For example, a home appraised at $300,000 with a mortgage balance of $150,000 would have an equity of $150,000.
Federal Bail Creates More Risk for Bail Companies
Federal bonds also create more risk for bail companies. That additional risk and necessity of property collateral make federal bail bonds considerably more expensive for all involved parties than state-level bail bonds.
Let ABC Bail Bonds Help with Your Case
The court is particular about how federal bail bonds can be prepared. The necessary paperwork includes an appraisal of the property, title reports, and other documents. Since the process is complicated, hiring a professional to help is wise. Court approval isn’t guaranteed, and the incorrect paperwork filing could lead to a more extended detainment period for your loved one. If you need help securing federal bail for a loved one, don’t hesitate to contact our team here at ABC or any other PBUS member companies.
Learn more about our bail bond services in the following cities:
- • Kingston bail bonds
- • Harrisburg bail bonds
- • Lancaster bail bonds
- • Media bail bonds
- • Morrisville bail bonds
- • Norristown bail bonds
- • Philadelphia bail bonds
- • West Chester bail bonds
- • Pittsburgh bail bonds
- • Bethlehem bail bonds
- • And more!
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- • Bloomsburg bail bonds
- • Camden bail bonds
- • Wilkes-Barre bail bonds
- • Media bail bonds
- • Morrisville bail bonds
- • Newark bail bonds
- • Norristown bail bonds
- • Philadelphia bail bonds
- • Reading bail bonds
- • Scranton bail bonds
- • Trenton bail bonds
- • West Chester bail bonds
- • Wilkes Barre bail bonds
- • York bail bonds